Wednesday, April 8, 2015

How To Make American Girl Samantha's Gazebo

From the moment Samantha's new items were revealed this year I fell in love with all of it.  Now being on the practical side, I knew that I would attempt to recreate what I could, and here is how I put together the "infamous" gazebo.

I started with a small plan and just figured out what I needed in supplies as I went along. I purchased pvc pipes from Home Depot already pre-cut into 2 ft. pieces.  Then I proceeded to cover them with white duct tape.  I chose to wrap them in duct tape because from prior experience if they are painted the paint easily gets chipped.

I purchased wood rectangular strips from Michaels to use for the 4 sections of plastic decor in between the posts and painted them white.

I measured and cut these wood strips by just using a visual measurement of pictures I had seen.  The plastic mesh I also purchased from Michaels by the yarn area.  I think it is for rug hooking.

I then sandwiched the mesh in between 2 wood pieces on each end.  I did this for the remaining other 3 sections.  Please note that 2 out of the 4 sections are a different height.

For the base and top I used 2 pieces of foam board and first marked a circle measuring 24" in diameter then marked it to cut into an octagon shape.  On each corner of the shape I traced, measured and cut a hole for each pvc pipe.

Before placing the pipes, I glued down scrapbook paper.  

Here you see the wood strips with mesh that I then glued on to the pvc pipe with hot glue.

 I cut foam board for the shelving to use on 2 of the mesh and wood pieces.

Here I have covered the little piece of shelving with scrapbook paper and glued it on top of the mesh piece.  I also cut out a pattern on the mesh to give it some distinction.  If I were to do this over, and I could, I would use a plastic basket from the Dollar store and cut it apart and use that instead of this mesh piece I used.  

This beautiful scrolled wood frame is perfect for the detailing for around the top of each opening in the gazebo.

I used 2 frames and cut each one into 4 pieces then painted them white.

Here I have attached the piece of frame and also I purchased this "large food umbrella" from Amazon to give the top of the gazebo some detail.

I then put a piece of duct tape at each opening, top and bottom, to prevent the foam board from slipping.

I finished this right before Easter and placed my decorations.  I love the way it turned out.  Don't be afraid to tackle a project that you are in love with.  I couldn't be happier.  This will be a part of my collection for years to come.

I purchased a string of patio umbrella lighting and placed it around the top for this finishing touch that makes it again, so special.  If you have any questions, just let me know.  

Happy AG Crafting !


  1. Wow! Your creations are wonderful. I too wanted to make a gazebo and bought a food umbrellas at Dollar Tree. That's as far as I've gotten since the gazebo came out. Maybe in the future, I'll finally get to it. Yours turned out great!
